
Private Equity Activity Expected in the Remainder of 2020

While there is no question that the first half of 2020 was challenging as we all adjusted course, multiple experts feel that private equity activity may perk up in Q4. Economic uncertainty slowed things down in Q1 and Q2, greater availability of credit, as well as a focus on add-on acquisitions and innovation, may begin […]


COVID Leads to Strategic Shifts in M&A Activity

Timing is everything in business deals. Success is all about choosing the right time to make an offer, the right time to accept an offer, the right time to wrap up due diligence, and proceed with a deal. COVID-19 has thrown off our timing. We need to release our pre-pandemic way of doing business and […]


Private Equity Seen As Smart Risk In Uncertain Times

Traditionally, investing in the stock market was seen as a logical choice for most investors, regardless of wealth. Private equity, on the other hand, is commonly seen as riskier with the potential of realizing high rewards and high losses. That perception could be changing in 2020. FOX Business has reported that ultra-wealthy individuals increased their […]


Due Diligence During the Pandemic

When you start to consider a deal, the seller hands over mountains of records and paperwork for you to review. But as a responsible investor, you need to go beyond that. Due diligence is defined as an investigation of a potential investment to confirm all facts. This process often includes reviewing all financial records, past company […]


Is It Possible To Secure Debt Right Now?

Amongst historical levels of uncertainty, it can be very difficult to know when it is “ok” to grow your business. Some businesses, as we have discussed, are in such high demand that they can’t help but grow. Others are simply well-positioned to weather the current situation and move forward with existing strategic plans. From our […]


Mid-Market Opportunities: Where Should You Look?

It feels like the world is changing every day and it is difficult to predict how the economy to evolve. But we believe, as do others, that there are still opportunities to be found. Specifically, opportunities to buy within the mid-market essential product manufacturing space. What is essential product manufacturing? Our government has deemed certain […]


Mid-Market Industries We Are Watching

As we mentioned in our last post, we believe most middle market companies fall somewhere on a spectrum between playing defense and playing offense. They are either trying to survive, or they are on the other side, doing business (perhaps even a lot of business) and cautiously trying to grow. No company is doing things […]


Thinking Strategically About SBA Relief Loans

The only way to generalize how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting small and mid-sized businesses is to say that we’re all affected. Most of the business owners we’ve spoken with have had their heads down trying to understand how to access relief loans and/or how to maximize their use once they have the money. Using […]


Industries with Opportunities in the Near Term

The unique challenges of a global pandemic are affecting different industries in different ways. Some industries, like brick-and-mortar retail and travel, have been hit hard and will be reshaped as companies file for bankruptcy. We expect that some will remain on their feet or regain their footing more quickly than others. The obvious: online retail, […]


Middle Market M&A Activity in 2020: What’s Next

Trying to keep your finger on the pulse of the middle market is challenging right now. The pulse is not steady, to say the least. That said, there are observations and cautious predictions to be made. Here are some of the ways you should be thinking about mergers and acquisitions in the near term. Think […]


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