
Manufacturers’ M&A Outlook Perseveres Through Headwinds

All signs should point to the manufacturing industry having a hard time. With a litany of issues exacerbated by the global pandemic these past few years, it wouldn’t be surprising for the beleaguered industry to be in dire straits. And yet, a recent survey from Marcum National Manufacturing found that 95% of manufacturers anticipate revenue […]


Quality over quantity: The benefits of working with experts

When selling a business, the last thing the business owner wants is to feel lost and confused. M&A transactions require a lot of time and energy and can be difficult to navigate on your own. To ensure the best deal on your own terms—while protecting your peace of mind—it’s worth the time and effort to […]


Using a Roll-Up Strategy as a High-Growth Approach to M&A

In 2021, mergers and acquisitions were the highest they’d been since 2015, surpassing even pre-pandemic activity levels. This momentum has continued into 2022, with M&A trends continuing throughout the year. As we continue into Q4, business owners should keep an eye on the possibilities of strategic deals. One of the most practical strategies for small […]


Millennials are the latest good news for baby boomers in M&A

Baby boomers own 66% of the U.S. business market, with a majority of these businesses being healthy and thriving. However, as retirement age nears for baby boomer business owners, there is a concerning lack of attention on the future—60% of these business owners have no plans for succession or transition. Many businesses in the M&A […]


Liquidity and Middle Market M&A: Don’t Worry

Recent news headlines about market fluctuations and global instability have caused some would-be sellers to put their plans on hold. They might be missing an opportunity. The economy is challenging, that’s true. But we’re seeing sellers achieve good deals in 2022. Let’s look at some of the reasons why the news media doesn’t tell the […]


Working Capital Matters in M&A Transactions

As a business owner, you know what working capital is, even if you rarely use the term. Working capital is the day-to-day cash that a company needs to run business operations. It is the difference between a company’s current assets and its current liabilities. Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities Different industries vary […]


Understanding and Building Your Business Credit

When we wrote about increasing the value of your business, we compared it to increasing the value of your home. There are also similar parallels when we talk about credit. If you are thinking about purchasing a home, one of the most common pieces of advice you will hear is to check your credit score […]


Key Differences: M&A Advisors vs. Business Brokers

If you’ve felt confused about the differences between a business broker and a merger and acquisition (M&A) advisor, you aren’t alone – particularly in the middle market. Over the course of owning and growing a business, it’s not unusual for an owner to interact with both types of professionals. That said, understanding the key differences […]


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