
Never Overlook Your Accounting Processes

We’re often asked, “What can we do to get our business ready to sell?” and “How can we make our organization look attractive to buyers?” There are many answers to those questions (and we’ve written about some in the past here and here), but often the simplest answer is the most overlooked. Make sure your […]


Post-Transaction: What is a 100-Day Plan?

A statistic commonly shared in our industry is that between 70 and 80 percent of all mergers and acquisitions fall short of delivering anticipated value. This isn’t necessarily because they were a bad fit or because the transaction negotiations were subpar. Rather, most experts would say that this value is lost in the first 100 […]


What is an “Add-On” Acquisition Strategy?

As a business owner, a key part of preparing to sell your business is being able to look at your company through a potential buyer’s eyes. What is the buyer looking for? What are they trying to accomplish? And perhaps most importantly, why (or why not) would your business look attractive to them? As we’ve […]


Business Valuation 101

At some point over the course of owning your business, you’ll ask the question, “But what is my business worth?” The answer, of course, is “It depends.” In this post, we’ll give you a quick rundown of some of the most common ways to value a business. In practice, no method is perfect, and that’s […]


Year-End Macro View

2021 is poised to close on an exciting note. U.S. private equity deal-making is on pace to eclipse $1 trillion before the end of the year, according to a report by and data from Pitchbook. Here are some of the big takeaways we’re paying attention to: Inflation is there, but likely ok for many […]


Eyes on Tax Reform

Like many Americans in the business community, we try to stay on top of tax reforms and how they affect our industry. As 2021 comes to a close, several key tax rates were just released that significantly impact high-income and/or high-net-worth taxpayers and all business owners. 4 key tax updates 1. Capital gains tax. For […]


5 Reasons Mid-Market M&A Deals Fail

When a merger or acquisition deal fails to close, we can all agree that it doesn’t feel good. Both the buyer and seller often end up feeling frustrated. That risk is just one reason why it is so important to have experienced professionals at the table. The more deals you have worked on, the better […]


7 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Business

When homeowners make a major update to their home, they often think about it in terms of whether it will increase their property value. “If I complete this home improvement project, will my house be easier to sell in the future?” Business owners need to think in the same way. With each step forward, an […]


Understanding the 7 Hats of an M&A Advisor

As we recently discussed, mergers and acquisitions typically follow a standard process from start to finish. And as buyers and sellers move through this process, they are rarely the only ones at the table. M&A advisors play a key role in helping buyers and sellers optimize the transaction for all parties involved. No one sale […]


Understanding Buyer and Seller Fear in M&A Process

Real estate agents say it all the time – their job is half real estate and half psychology. For many people, buying or selling a home is extremely personal and emotional. For many entrepreneurs, buying or selling a business can be just as personal and emotional (if not more so). In this post, we want […]


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